Sunday, April 25, 2010

Effective Book Marketing for Authors

Dilemma: I am trying to network and find ways to promote my next book but it looks like I'm getting nowhere. I have been trying to schedule appointments with the newspapers and I need to get in touch with local stations, and I'm looking for a publicist or some type of marketing company.

Solution(s): Unfortunately, you've been going about it all wrong. It'll be a new day when you can get an appointment with newspapers (local, regional or national) to promote your book. That's not the way. And regarding the marketing company, do you have the finances to hire one or a publicist? If not, it'll be a total waste of time to search and you don't want to burn any bridges.

If you're self-publishing, definitely invest in a publicist, marketing professional or try to secure a literary agent. I would also include a writing coach as a must. It'll be one of your best investments.

If you're trying to go it alone, try these strategies:

  • Send out newsworthy press releases
  • Get a professional book review
  • Appeal to book clubs
  • Brand yourself every chance you get
  • Use social media effectively
Ultimately, writing the book is easy. It's what comes after - trying to get it promoted and sold - that's the hardest part of the entire process. The bottom line is what you want for your bottom line in book sales, which means investing significant dollars in your marketing strategy, whichever one you choose.

Visit to learn about my Author Services that can help you jump-start your writing career or boost the one you have!

Until next time,

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