Sunday, November 22, 2009

So You Want to Write and Publish a Book...Can You?

Lately, it seems like a lot of people want to write a book, or are looking for someone to pen what they believe is the most brilliant book ever. If you're either one of these people, let's chat.

So, you want to write?

Have you ever had your writing published? And not necessarily traditionally. I mean do you blog frequently? Have you ever published a newsletter? Have you ever written short stories or poems that you've shared with others for critique?

If the answer is no, how do you know if you're qualified to write a book? How do you know you're a good storyteller or that your story is a good one to be told? There is the rare occasion where some people just know. I was one of those people. I don't write well because I've had formal writing training. I write well because I can. But not everyone does. And that's what you need to find out.

Start by writing something and having it critiqued by someone other than family and friends. Family and friends always want what's best for you and usually offer encouragement and support instead of honest feedback. Instead, join a writers or critique group and/or attend writers workshops and conferences to get honest feedback on your writing.

Worried about being embarrassed? Think about this: would you rather other writers like you embarrass you with the truth so you can improve, or would you rather invest your time and money to be published, only to get the ultimate embarrassment: no one buys your book?

So you want to hire a writer?

Why would I (meaning readers) care about your story? Be prepared with a good answer to that question because it's exactly what a professional writer is going to ask--if he or she is good.

Many people believe their story is a good one; it may be. But before you try to publish, find out if 1-the story has already been told, and 2-what will move me about your story?

For example, if you're a cancer survivor and I am too, why would I want to read your story? I already know it. I know all you had to endure and/or sacrifice. Or, if you're a cancer survivor and I lost a love one to cancer, do I really want to hear about your triumph when I lost so much?

You have to make sure that your story stands out. What is your "X" factor? How can you write a story more unique than the next story just like it? Will your story affect me? Move me? Impact me? Shock me? Scare me? Encourage me? And if either, why or how?

If you can't find these elements, you may need to simply journal or keep a diary.

When you've answered all these questions and you're ready to hire a writer, make sure they're capable to do the type of writing you need. Compare their rates and ensure their availability and talent.

Be careful of writers that specialize in a specific writing category. Would you want a scientific writer to write your romance novel? If they're capable, why not? But usually, excellence is not an act, but a habit, and what you do the most is what you'll do the best. So if all their experience is scientific, then probably not.

Just make sure you see samples, look for a Web site or portfolio with testimonials and if available, references from past clients.

If you have a writing-related question, send an e-mail to Thanks for spending time with me.

i write for the very reason i breathe...

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