What Gibson was recorded saying is what all Americans say or think at some point in their day-to-day interactions with people. The only difference in most people and Gibson—he was recorded. Apparently annoyed by her provocative attire, Gibson’s tirade, this time, is an open-hand slap on the face of Blacks.
While there has been progress that moved America from the harsh, blatant realities of racism, America still bleeds from sores called racism. But, it is absurd how we all sit on our high-horses, judge Gibson and pretend that in the privacy of our own homes and cars, we do not throw our own blatant rants of racism.
From the Mexican driving without insurance and the neighborhood going to hell because the *ggas moved in, to the terrorist Iranians, incense-burning Africans or weed-smoking Jamaicans, we all stereotype and have all lamented our disdain or outright dislike for other races when we are angry. It’s just the way of the world.
So let’s get off those high-horses and focus on news a little more important to the forward-movement of our society. Because at the end of the day we will still go see Gibson’s movies and still vote for him at the Oscars(R).