There is one thing that unnerves me to the core: everyone is looking for something or someone to blame. I get that the pressure from the media, family, fans and work was over-the-top. But at what point do we take accountability for our actions, behavior and seek help? If you see that being around little boys gets you caught up, untangle yourself from the web. If you become addicted to narcotics and your love ones plead with you to get help, surrender. If you find yourself changing from a cute little black boy to a distorted, white man, seek counseling. If you see your finances slipping from under you, make some adjustments.
Abuse or desperation...
Fingers are consistently pointed at Joe Jackson for pushing MJ into his Neverland fantasy. But when I think about celebrities: Tiger Woods, Venus/Serena Williams, Beyonce, Michael Jordan, Mike Tyson or any person who succeeds at what they do, I conclude that it takes practice, dedication, commitment and persistence to the craft to become "the King." Afterall, isn't that what they all strive for? And even though our parents might push a little harder than "normal," was Joe's intent to catapult all his children toward success abuse? Or a father's desperation to save his children from the poverty he endured most of his life?
In some interviews Michael says it was because of his father that he became the star he was. In others, he claims the abuse made him want to succeed to get away. But, from the many biopics of the Jackson family's rise to fame, inclusive of the hard work, the kids are laughing, singing, dancing, playing outside and interacting with other children their ages. What more did they want? Friends? Overrated. In most large families, your family members are your friends. I'm living proof. Did they not want the fame? Did he not want to sing and dance or be in a position to afford to do all the good he did?
As parents, don't we all want success for our children? I find myself wondering, if Joe Jackson said f%$k it and left him to his own notions, would he have become the legend he was? I tip my hat to Joesph Jackson. He did everything he could, the only way he knew how to provide for his family.
Throwed or Genius...
"He didn't have a childhood." That statement is overrated, a cop-out and justification for MJ's mental seclusion on fantasy island and bizarre behavior with animals and kids. But did his weirdness classify him as "throwed" or did it just bolster him to the genius category? After all, Einstein, Freud and Beethoven were considered off, but geniuses nontheless. Yes, he occasionally walked around with a damn monkey around his neck, but MJ also broke several world records during his career. You decide.
In or out...
Was MJ a closet homosexual? Who cares?!
Born to entertain...
Of all the songs that have been playing on television and the radio, one that has been playing over and over in my head is my favorite Jackson song, "We're Here to Entertain You."
When we were tiny little boys
We used to dance, we used to sing
Before we even learned to crawl or walk
As we grew up, we didn't change
Somehow we knew, right from the start
We'd love the spotlights and the stage
Because we were born to entertain...